Membership and Contact

Get involved – become a Friend of Childwall Woods and Fields

If you would like to become a Friend of Childwall Woods and Fields, you can join here by completing the Contact Form below. As a member, you will be emailed as soon as our public events go live to give you first choice and you will get invitations to members-only activities and a seasonal newsletter to keep you up to date with everything that’s going on.
We ask for a minimum donation of £5 per household for a year’s membership.  You can donate by bank transfer to – Friends of Childwall Woods and Fields – sort code 20-50-82 – account number 40392553.  Please add your name as a reference and please send your address by email to 
Or you can use the PayPal button below.  PayPal will give us your email address.  Please note that PayPal make a charge for this service which they deduct from your donation.
With PayPal

Contact us

If you would like to join the Friends or contact us about your membership email

If you would like to contact us about anything else please email

Thank You.

Can we help you with your event?

We get many requests from groups who wish to run an event at Childwall Woods and Fields and would like help from the Friends, or they would like our advice.  We are happy to help if we can but we are a small voluntary group and we need to plan and allocate our limited resources.  We ask all groups who would like our help or advice to print off, complete and return this FCWF Event booking form to

Contact Form

If you want to find out more or become a member of Friends of Childwall Woods and Fields please complete this contact form here:


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