This page is for members’ photographs that have been taken on the site, or anecdotes and comments. It’s your page. If you have something that you would like to share with everybody, send it to
If you’re not yet a member and would like to be, you can join on the Membership and Contact Page
Member’s Evening Photography Walk, 5 July 2024
A selection of photos from the group walk. The loose theme was ‘Colour, Shape and Texture’. Members had a variety of experience and were using a range of equipment from phones to digital SLRs. With thanks to Isabelle Hurdle, Bob Potts, Kathy Bamber, Maureen Evans, Paul Johnson, and Andrew Scott.
One of our members, Jenny Richardson sent in some pictures of our woods from 1989.
Can you recognise any of these places? Full of glorious bluebells.
Thank you for sharing those Jenny.

Eddie McCabe – May 2022
Could the woods look any more beautiful? Thanks Eddie.
The squirrels seem to be keeping their fat stores up through the cold winter.
Photos by D Carmichael. January 2022. Thanks Danny.
August 2021
Dave Bond kindly shared some of his photos of the woods.
The Folly (Monkey Island) never fails to look amazing.
Nothing man-made could look as interesting as an old twisted sweet chestnut branch that has been perforated by woodpeckers through many years.
Thank you, Dave. Photos from August 5th 2021
Summer on the Fields, June 2021
These fabulous photos above were taken by Carolyn Beiert.
And Carolyn also sent in the landscape that’s the header for the website. Perfect.
Thank you Carolyn.
A big thank you to Paul Roberts who took these beautiful photos below. So pleased you sent them in Paul.
In the Folly
Cal has already sent some brilliant photos and videos in to us, and now these closeups.
Things you might miss unless you have a keen eye.

Cal Sedgwick – March 2021
The exposed wood of the old holm oak. Twisted wood growing around the burrs at the bottom of the tree.

Cal Sedwick – March 2021
A spider’s web, such a delicate structure, usually unseen
Both in the Folly (Monkey Island to us locals).
Our Beautiful Birds
These wonderful photographs were sent in by Danny Carmichael. Taken in the woods on 10th Feb 2021.
Thanks Danny, they are brilliant.
Time for a tidy up.
So pleased to see I’ve got a helper.

Look what you can collect when you’ve got a litter picker.
Sometimes there’s so much rubbish it takes 2 days to get it all.

Courtesy of Nick Best 26th Jan 21.
The fields must be looking much tidier with that lot removed.
Many thanks to Erin for doing an amazing job.
Childwall Woods?
The glade is one of the loveliest parts of the Childwall woods but not many members remember it when it looked like this.

The Glade in 1969 – Ian Headey
You might be forgiven for thinking this was Sefton Park, but that was Childwall Woods in 1969 when there was a ranger employed to look after it. Notice the copper beech tree in the background, still there today but twice the height. The small tree with the flowers is a horse chestnut tree, now hollowed but still alive.

The glade in 2021 – Ian Headey
2021 and the conker tree is still there but the rhododendrons have run wild. Those sticks on the right are the winter canes of wild raspberries. How did they get there?
Overgrown but perhaps a bit of TLC will help to turn back the clock. Any volunteers?
Thanks to Ian Headey (our unpaid path clearer) for finding and sending in those photos.
Rainy January
What happens when it rains for days?
The folly fills up like a water feature.
There are still plenty of drier places though.

One of the oldest rhododendrons, hollowed with age

Turkey tail fungus by its colours (Trametese versicolor). A common resident of the site.
And there are many unique and stunning sights to see.
Thank you to Jason Griffiths for letting us use these wonderful pictures. 22nd Jan 2021
Jason says he is a newcomer to Childwall Woods and Fields but will be a regular visitor from now on. (That is always happening.)
Wet and Snowy
It may be wet and snowy but there’s always something interesting and beautiful on site.

A well-fed Jay

Jelly ear or Wood ear, Auricularia auricula. Growing on dead wood throughout the site.
Photos by Nick Best 22nd Jan 2021
The fields
Here are some stunning views of the fields sent in by Nick Best who definitely knows his way around the site.

The middle Field?

A Sparrowhawk
16th January 2021 By Nick Best
Winter Sunshine
Even the watery sunshine of January looks beautiful in Childwall Woods.
Thanks to Carolyn Beiert for these lovely winter images. (10th Jan 2021)
A Frosty Morning
Some beautiful images of the woods and fields on a frosty morning. 7th January 2021. From Cara Bartlett.
Thanks Cara.
A Dark Forest Walk
Lime Pictures Nursery went for a late walk in the woods just after sunset.

Photo by Cal Sedgwick
As Childwall Woods and Fields is a Local Nature Reserve there are restrictions on walking in there after sunset but Cal and the nursery children made sure they were out one hour after sunset to leave the animals to their nocturnal habits. Thank you Lime Pictures Nursery.
Lime Pictures Nursery are often in the woods, and on Monday they shared the folly with a tiny friend.
Photos courtesy of Cal Sedgwick, Lime Pictures Nursery. – Monday 14th December 2020
A memory of the woods.
In the 1990s I was asked to speak at a meeting because there was talk of the council selling the woods for houses. The reason I was asked was at that time I was chairman of Storeton Woods. The reaction to saving the woods was very rewarding. To me, Childwall Woods was very romantic as my first girlfriend and I walked through there, unfortunately, she gave me the brush off, but that’s life.
David Mann Dec 2020
The squirrels seem to be keeping their fat stores up through the cold winter.
Photos by D Carmichael. January 2022. Thanks Danny.